International Studies Program Courses 2005-06


Below is a tentative International Studies Program curriculum for the 2005-06 academic year. For more up-to-date course offering information, check the UW's On-line Time schedule. A list of all IS Program courses can be found in the online UW catalogue.


Autumn 2005


SIS 200           Kasaba             States & Capitalism

SIS 401           Latsch              International Political Economy

SIS 498A         Callahan           Legacy of Scoop Jackson

SIS 498B         Poznanski         Family & Morality as Economic Institutions

SIS 498C         Dong                Trauma, History, and East Asia


SIS 325           Friedman          Immigration

SIS 332           Poznanski         Pol Econ of Interntl Trade & Finance

SIS 335           Faria                Geography of the Developing World (w/geog 335)

SIS 421           Jones                National Security & International Affairs

SIS 425           Graham/Jones   International Law & Arms Control

SIS 426           Prakash            World Politics (w/pol s 426)

SIS 470           Godoy              Human Rights in Latin America (w/slj 410)

SIS 490b         Friedman          Forced Migration

SIS 490d         Barzilai             Place of Law in Multiculturalism: Scope, Conflicts, Boundaries


SIS 500           Guy                  Origins of the Global System

SIS 511           Kasaba                        Methods in IS

SIS 590a          Graham            International Law & Arms Control (w/sis 425, lsj 490c)

SIS 590b         Miles                Interntl Science & Technology Policy (w/sma 523,pbaf 586)


Winter 2006


SIS/geog 123  Sparke             Intro to Globalization (may substitute for econ 201))

SIS 201           Callahan           Intro to International Political Economy

SIS 495a          Warren             Brazilian Economic Development Policy

SIS 495b         Ellison              US Relations with non-Russian Soviet Successor States

SIS 495c          Godoy              Intellectual Property & Access to Medicines in Global South

SIS 495d         Yang                U.S. Foreign Policy toward South Asia

SIS 495e          Soverel             National Security Strategy 2006-2011

SIS 495f          Curran              Trafficking in Persons

SIS 495g          Montgomery     The Politics of Global Warming: What Should U.S. Policy Be?

SIS 495h          R.Pekkanen      Textbook Controversy in Japan

SIS 495i           Morris              Covert Operations/Intervention

SIS 498           Porter               Readings in International Studies


SIS 330           Khagram          Political Economy of Development

SIS 333           Maurer             Gender and Globalization (w/women 333)

SIS 344           staff                  Migration in the Global Economy (w/geog 344)

SIS 350           Rousseau          Environmental Norms & International Politics

SIS 362           Godoy              Introduction to Social Theory (w/lsj 362)

SIS 406           Robinson          Political Islam (w/pol s 432)

SIS 419           staff                  Comparative Media Systems (w/com 420/pol s 468)

SIS 433           Christie             Enviro degradation in the Tropics

SIS 449           Sorensen          Social Change in East Asia (w/anth 449)


Winter 2006, continued

SIS 452           S.Pekkanen      Law and Politics of International Trade

SIS 455           Hamilton/Kao   Industry and State

SIS 490a          Friedman          Diasporas, Ethnicity, and Collective Memory

SIS 490c          Barzilai             Law and Power: Global Perspectives (w/lsj 490)

SIS 490d         Graham            Negotiation Simulation

SIS 490e-h                              Waseda/UW

SIS 490i           Fuller/Leek       WMD



SIS 501           Migdal              Comparative International Studies

SIS 534           Anderson         International Affairs (w/pbaf 530, pol s 534)

SIS 552           S.Pekkanen      Law and Politics of International Trade

SIS 575           Sparke             Advanced Political Geography (w/geog 575)

SIS 580           Migdal              Teaching IS

SIS 590d         Graham            Negotiation Simulation (w/SIS 490d)

SIS 590e          Fuller/Leek       WMD (w/SIS 490i)

SIS 490f          Rivin                 Health and Human Rights (w/hserv 590/law 540/pbaf 537)


Spring 2006


SIS 201           Bachman          Making the 21st Century (Intro to IPE)

SIS 202           Robinson          Cultural Interactions

SIS 498a          Chirot               Genocide: The Anthropology, History, and Politics of Mass
                                                            Political Murder and Ways of Preventing It

SIS 498b         Lang                 Civil Society/Political Publics in Globalizing World

SIS 498c          Pianko              Limits of Diversity: multiculturalism, minority nationalism,
                                                            and the Liberal State

SIS 498d         Warren             Development, modernization, culture

SIS 498e          Sorensen


SIS 345           Maurer             Women and Economic Development (w/women/anth 345)

SIS 375           Sparke             Geopolitics (w/geog 375)

SIS 422           Burrowes         U.S. in the International System (Evening Degree)

SIS 423           Johnson            Practicing American Foreign Policy

SIS 456           Migdal              State-Society Relations in the Third World (w/pol s 450)

SIS 476           Poznanski         Comparative IPE

SIS 490a          Barilai               State, Society, and Constitutionalism (w/lsj )

SIS 490b         Hellmann          America & Asia in the Global System



SIS 502           Jones                Globalization/IR

SIS 512           Curran              Methods in IS

SIS 522           Chirot               Conflict/Conflict Prevention in the Modern World

SIS 542           Migdal              Seminar in State-Society Relations (w/pol s 542)

SIS 553           S.Pekkanen      Environment and Health in the WTO

SIS 590a          Hellmann          America & Asia in the Global System (w/sis 490b)

SIS 590c          Curran              Gender and Development (w/pb af)

SIS 590e          Khagram          Transformation, Globalization, Governance (w/pb af)